QR Cards
Smart Digital
Business Cards
QR Cards
Smart Business Cards
& Modern
Business Cards
QR Cards
Smart Business Cards

Create Your Digital Business Card Today

Ready To Get Your QR Card?

    Smart Digital Business Card

    Step into the future of networking with our Smart Digital Business Cards. These innovative cards harness the power of QR codes to seamlessly bridge the gap between tradition and technology. They pack your professional information into a sleek, shareable format, making networking a breeze in the digital age.

    Personal Landing Page

    Elevate your professional presence with a personalized landing page that encapsulates everything about you or your business. Our platform crafts a stunning digital space, curated to reflect your brand and expertise. From contact details to portfolio highlights, this personalized page becomes your digital hub for making a lasting impression.

    ulimited usage

    Embrace freedom without constraints. Our service breaks away from subscription models, allowing you to enjoy unlimited usage without recurring fees. Once you acquire your Smart Digital Business Card, it's yours to use and share indefinitely, offering unparalleled convenience and cost-effectiveness in the digital realm.

    How Does It Work

    3 mobile phones showing digital business cards

    Custom Digital Card Creation

    Upon signing up, we will craft a customized digital page tailored to your professional identity. This page showcases all your contact information, social media handles, website details, and any additional information you wish to include.

    several mobile phones showing digital business cards

    Seamless QR Code Integration

    With a simple scan using any smartphone camera, contacts can instantly access your digital card without the need for any dedicated apps or software. It’s a seamless, instant connection that simplifies networking at events, meetings, or everyday encounters.

    mobile phone showing woman's digital business card

    Your digital card is optimized for viewing on any device – whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or computer, ensuring a consistent and impressive presentation across platforms. We guarantee a consistently impressive presentation, ensuring that your professional identity shines through on any platform your contacts prefer.



    Powered By
    Avanto Solutions

    White Label QR Cards System for Marketing Agencies.

    Own a Marketing Agency? Seeking to provide your clients with digital business cards from QR Cards while setting your pricing? Look no further – Avanto Solutions White Label is the answer!

    We now provide Marketing Agencies with a dedicated client dashboard for seamless and efficient client management.

    How is it branded? Customize your dashboard by uploading your logos for a branding that is entirely your own. No QR Cards branding or links back to our core software.

    We’ve created an entirely new system just for you at www.avantosolutions.com.


    Your digital business card isn't just a contact point; it's a representation of your individuality. Our platform offers a myriad of design options, ensuring that your card isn't just another template but a reflection of your brand's identity.

    see details

    Tailoring your brand's essence into your digital business card is our specialty. We understand the power of consistent branding, and that's why our platform enables seamless integration of your logo, color schemes, and personalized styles.

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    landing page

    Beyond just a virtual business card, our platform transforms it into a dynamic landing page. This isn't just a means of contact; it's an interactive hub for your audience.

    see details
    QR Cards - smart digital business cards